Elf, Officer
Better to die standing than to live on bent knee.
If 5 Elf allies are on the board on any turn end, Summon this unit to a random row.
Vrihedd Neophyte, Yaevinn, Vrihedd Sappers, Iorveth, Vrihedd Dragoon, Ciaran aep Easnillen, Vrihedd Brigade, Ele'yas, Elven Scout, Avallac'h, Farseer, Toruviel, Vrihedd Vanguard, Dol Blathanna Archer, Dol Blathanna Bowman, Francesca Findabair, Hawker Smuggler, Hawker Support, Isengrim Faoiltiarna, Malena, Elven Swordmaster, Hawker Healer, Vrihedd Officer, Aelirenn, Dol Blathanna Bomber, Half-Elf Hunter, Wardancer, Filavandrel, Ida Emean aep Sivney, Milaen, Schirrú, Elven Mercenary, Dol Blathanna Sentry, Iorveth: Meditation, Isengrim: Outlaw, Ithlinne Aegli, Sage, Blue Mountain Elite, Éibhear Hattori, Avallac'h: Sage