Full Moon
Special, Boon
When the moon is full, nightmares crawl out of all the dark nooks and crannies of the world.
Apply a Boon to an allied row that boosts a random Beast or Vampire by 2 on turn start.
Ekimmara, Hubert Rejk, Regis: Higher Vampire, Nekurat, Unseen Elder, Regis
Olaf, Imperial Manticore, Griffin, Morkvarg, Savage Bear, Vincent Meis, Alpha Werewolf, Archgriffin, Werewolf, Giant Boar, Ulfhedinn, Ihuarraquax, Lamia, Werecat, Celaeno Harpy, Harpy, Miruna, Panther, Roach, Siren, Prize-Winning Cow, Cow, Harpy Hatchling, Bear, Wolf, Raging Bear